# Non-Blocking Mode
"Asynchronous" Non-blocking I/O version of Jiny framework is using Java SE's java.net
& java.nio
This is kinda "naive Netty clone with Go-Gin interface" also with an easy-to-use API covering HTTP protocol support (Netty is just a TCP Framework).
Why NIO?
NIO Mode solve the C10K Problem, by using least OS thread than the normal BIO mode
# NIO Insight
This server uses the latest AsynchronousServerSocketChannel (aka NIO.2 AIO API) API of Java SE 7, which use the Proactor Pattern and it is fully Async I/O (with underlying OS support for epoll/kqueue edge-triggered syscalls).
The old versions (< 0.1.6) use SocketServerChannel and a Selector (aka NIO API) which is just an I/O Multiplexer aka "polling mechanism" (with epoll / kqueue level-triggered syscalls).
# Quick Start
This NIO HTTP Server API is very similar with standard BIO API
import com.jinyframework.NIOHttpServer;
import com.jinyframework.core.RequestBinder.HttpResponse;
class Main {
static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
val server = NIOHTTPServer.port(1234);
server.use("/", ctx -> HttpResponse.ofAsync("Hello World"));
server.start(); // Listen and serve on localhost:1234
This feature is in experimental