# CompletableFuture
API for Java's CompletableFuture
The NIO API is very similar with BIO API:
val workerPool = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2);
val server = NIOHttpServer.port(1234);
// Similar with HTTP BIO Server's API, but you need to include the "Async" at the end of the name
server.use("/", ctx -> HttpResponse.ofAsync("Hello World"));
server.post("/echo", ctx -> HttpResponse.ofAsync(ctx.getBody()));
server.get("/thread", ctx -> HttpResponse.ofAsync(Thread.currentThread().getName()));
// You can put in a JSON transform adapter like Google GSON
server.get("/json", ctx -> {
val customer = CustomObject.builder()
.name("Tu Huynh").build();
val gson = new Gson();
return HttpResponse.ofAsync(customer, gson::toJson);
// You will get {"email": "abc@gmail.com", "name": "Tu Huynh"}
// /query?foo=bar
server.get("/query", ctx -> {
final String bar = ctx.queryParam("foo");
return HttpResponse.ofAsync(bar);
// /params/hello/world
server.get("/params/:foo/:bar", ctx -> {
final String foo = ctx.pathParam("foo");
final String bar = ctx.pathParam("bar");
return HttpResponse.ofAsync("Foo: " + foo + ", Bar: " + bar);
// Catch all
server.get("/all/**", ctx -> HttpResponse.ofAsync(ctx.getPath()));
// This request will not block the main thread (event loop)
// It move the blocking operation into another thread pool (workerPool)
server.get("/sleep", ctx -> {
val async = AsyncHelper.make();
workerPool.submit(() -> {
try {
// Some expensive / blocking task
val thread = Thread.currentThread().getName();
System.out.println("Executing an expensive task on " + thread);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
val thread = Thread.currentThread().getName();
async.resolve("Work has done, current thread is: " + thread);
return async.submit();
// This request will block one of the event loop threads
// By default you have cpu.length * 2 event loop threads
server.use("/block", ctx -> {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " is gonna be blocked now!");
Thread.sleep(60 * 1000); // Block for 60s
return HttpResponse.ofAsync("Block one event loop thread!");
// Middleware
server.get("/protected", ctx -> {
val authorizationHeader = ctx.getHeader().get("Authorization");
if (!authorizationHeader.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
return HttpResponse.rejectAsync("InvalidToken", 401);
ctx.setDataParam("username", "tuhuynh");
return HttpResponse.nextAsync();
}, ctx -> HttpResponse.ofAsync("Login success, hello: " + ctx.dataParam("username")));
// Handle error
server.get("/panic", ctx -> {
throw new Exception("Panicked!");